Client: Gitte Henning / Voyager

Interior on Voyager fishing vessel
How Storm helped transforming a complex mechanical construction to simple construction with strong esthetic properties.
How an industrial design approach combined with ship design knowledge comes to fresh interior solutions for fishing vessels?
Using Strategic Industrial Design to develop a new generation of feeding barges with a modern identity fitting a renewed company profile.
How an intensive sketching process combined with ship design expertice leads to vessel concepts with new functional and aestetic qualities.
How an interactive presentation serves as a sales and marketing tool for a complex cable
laying vessel.
How can the knowledge of the true expert users radically improve the total design and logistics in an offshore galley and messroom?
How can we facilitate a wide range of maritime expertice groups on a completely new seaway transportation concept?
How can we uncover the true needs in AH operations, and transform these needs to concepts for safer and more efficient operations?